Nurse4Nurses Contact

Contact us

Frequently Asked Questions

We have a wide selection of nurses all trained in the Inuka Method. Once you are ready to book your session, you will be matched to a peer who will be able to walk with you in your wellness journey. What’s great is that all the coaches are first nurses and will be able to better understand and empathise with you.
At Inuka, we are very careful with data. Only your coach and a supervisor will see your results. However, they will not be able to see your email/name/phone number but will engage with you using the made up name that our system generated during sign up.
If you choose to conduct your coaching via 1-on-1 with a coach on whatsapp –  your identity and conversation will be confidential. If you chose to conduct coaching via online group peer-to-peer coaching, you will be sent a zoom link and you can chose to log in with a anonymous identity. For those who prefer physical group peer-to-peer coaching, all participants will sign a confidentiality clause and your conversation within the group will remain confidential. Inuka will try to ensure the group discussion remains confidential however cannot be held liable for any breach in that confidentiality should an individual participant choose to express themselves outside the group.
You can have a one -on-one chat session on whatsapp  by clicking here:link redirecting to the whatsapp Button) Sign up for an online group session here: (link redirecting to the Group session sign up button) or have the session on your browser by anonymously signing up on our web app here (Link redirecting to Webapp Button) All these avenues are secure and confidentiality is guaranteed.
We are  committed to providing you with the best customer service experience so if you have any concerns, complaints or feedback – Contact Inuka Customer Service: on whatsapp (free) or via phone on xxxxx … * Phone calls will incur the standard charge subject to the service provider. 

Talk to a coach

Some quick housekeeping before taking the wellbeing scan. Please provide us with the information below to ensure that you are indeed a nurse 😊

We assure you that the data collected will be kept confidential and will only be used for the purposes of the Nurse4Nurses Mental Wellness Support program.

Privacy is extremely important to us! When filling out this form, we would like to refer you to our Privacy Policy.